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What Are The Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness?

Do you find yourself constantly projecting into the future or ruminating into the past? Are you easily distracted or overwhelmed? Do you often feel like life is just passing you by?

If so, you may struggle with staying in the present moment. We've all heard that mindfulness is important for mental health. In fact, it's a critical part of any integrative treatment plan. But what exactly are the benefits of practicing mindfulness? Let's get into what you need to know.

Understanding Mindfulness

When was the last moment you paused or took a deep breath? If you can't remember, you're not alone. However, it's time to consider the downside of living a distracted life.

In our ever-changing, fast-paced world, practicing mindfulness is more important than ever before. Mindfulness refers to the practice of being present and engaged with where you are in the moment. Instead of getting caught up in your feelings or thoughts, you're choosing to accept things for as they are.

For many people, mindfulness requires far more focus and concentration at first. While you choose to acknowledge your surroundings and emotions, you don’t allow these things to overwhelm you. Instead, you intentionally rise to the moment.

People who practice mindfulness often recognize improvements in their health, relationships, and careers. Mindfulness is extremely beneficial, and you can cultivate a mindful lifestyle by engaging in:

  • Self-affirmations.

  • Yoga.

  • Meditation.

  • Running, jogging, or walking.

  • Painting, drawing, or other creative expressions.

  • Journaling.

  • Listing gratitudes.

  • Mindful eating.

A mindful lifestyle looks different for everyone. Sometimes people find an app or a coach that helps them with meditating and with different mantras to practice. It’s important to be consistent and to find the best way to develop healthy, mindful habits.

Reduced Anxiety

Research shows that mindfulness can decrease stress. Elevated stress levels and anxiety go hand-in-hand, so managing stress remains an important life skill.

Mindfulness helps slow the brain down and focus better. When practiced regularly, you can learn how to calm yourself down when you become overwhelmed.

If you want to focus on reducing your anxiety, aim to find mindful meditations that emphasize:

  • Intentional breathing.

  • Paying attention to your bodily sensations.

  • Specifying your emotions.

  • Gratitude-based exercises.

Improved Physical Health

When you stop to slow down, you are more conscious of your body, its needs, and how to take care of it.

Mindfulness boosts many powerful benefits for your physical health. First, it can improve your immune responses, and it can also lower blood pressure. People who practice mindfulness are less likely to struggle with heart disease or die from a heart attack.

Subsequently, people who practice mindfulness often report better and deeper sleep. They also tend to eat better, exercise more, and notice subtle changes in their body. These changes tend to translate to more energy and greater levels of happiness.

Furthermore, mindfulness can decrease symptoms associated with chronic illness or pain. Because health conditions can exacerbate stress, mindfulness helps reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions.

Healthier Relationships With Others

Do you become distracted in your relationships? If so, it might be because you don't pay attention to the other person. Learning how to be mindful of others can strengthen emotional intimacy and connection.

Mindfulness can help people form and maintain healthy relationships. Being present and aware of the current moment can strengthen empathy and skills related to active listening.

In arguments or fights, it’s common for people to feel like their emotions control them. However, when you engage in routine mindfulness, you think about your feelings and thoughts. You learn to specify your emotions and understand why you may be feeling a certain way.

This practice allows people to maintain a sense of calm during difficult conversations. It also allows them to communicate their feelings appropriately.

Greater Self-Esteem

One of the most important benefits of practicing mindfulness is nurturing the relationship you have with yourself. Mindfulness embraces a sense of peace and calmness. It also emphasizes the acceptance of self. By learning to accept yourself, you learn to appreciate your worth.

If you want to focus on improving your self-esteem, consider the following mindful techniques:

  • positive affirmations while meditating.

  • journaling about your day.

  • focusing on gratitude when good things happen to you.

  • taking deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed.

Remember that mindfulness itself is also an act of self-care. The more people practice self-care, the more confident they tend to feel.

Final Thoughts On The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness allows you to pause between feeling and action. It gives you space to reflect, accept, and "be" with the moment- rather than react to it carelessly. If you're recovering from an addiction or mental illness, this skill is paramount for your growth.

At The Resurface Group, we integrate mindfulness with our clients regularly. We believe that you deserve to enjoy your life in the present moment. We're excited to teach you the skills to help you accomplish that task. Contact us today to learn more.

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